• Stuart Patterson Lodge
Brassall Retirement Village. very low multiplier

Retirement Village Opportunity: Situated on a 25-year agreement with 9 years remaining, this retirement village presents a unique opportunity for a new manager.

Top-Up Possibility: The new manager will have the opportunity to obtain a top-up agreement.

Additional Units Available: The current owner owns 8 units not included in the unit count or the Profit and Loss statement. These units are available for sale at market price or for rent until sold.

Diverse Revenue Streams: Revenue sources include NSID, Catering, Body Corporate (BC) Salary, and rental income.

Comprehensive Expense Coverage: All expenses, including wages, are included.

Flexibility in Residence: It is not mandatory to live on-site, and units can be rented out.

Facilities Included: The property features a kitchen, dining room, 2-bed 2-bath unit, office, and all necessary equipment for kitchen operation, cleaning, and gardening.

Long-Term Ownership: The current owner, with 15 years of ownership, is selling due to commitments elsewhere.

For further inquiries, please contact Robert Collins, Exclusive Agent, at 0404 678 792 or via email at robertc@raas.com.au.

Robert Collins
Robert Collins